Here is a quick list where we are proudly serving with our cleaning services.

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Customer’s Comments:
“You are wonderful, we like you a lot and want to work with you two days per week.”
Steve Hauck, Dover, MA.

Everything looked wonderful, always!
Thank you all so much — you’re a godsend.

Maggie, Holliston, MA.

The cleaners who came last week were wonderful. They were extremely professional cleaners and did a great job. Things were crazy here since we had just returned from the hospital after my husband injured himself. They were very patient with our crazy situation. It has been a complicated couple of weeks.

Muldoon, Natick, MA

I wanted to write again, this time to say THANKS! The house was cleaned yesterday and it looks fantastic!

Jackman, Norton MA.

Ana have been working for me several years. I have had people clean my home for over 30 years and they are the best.
Susan Setta, Natick, MA

She and her assistant did a very thorough job on my mother-in-law’s home (which had not had a deep cleaning in probably years). They were very friendly and professional. They moved everything to clean and then put everything back.
Wonderful – highly recommend.

Sharon K. Shewsbury, MA.

Anna and her helper are both very pleasant and thorough. Anna understood exactly what I wanted done and urged me to check everything out when she was done. She speaks English and brings all her own materials.

Elaine, Belmont, MA.

“If you need something done that does not fall within the realm of housecleaning, we can help you with that too. We are all about servicing you and making your life easier, after all that is what we are here for.”

Ana Silva.
(508) 740-2169
Ana’s Cleaning Services, Framingham MA

    Ana’s house cleaning services proudly servicing Metrowest Boston, MA. Here is a quick list where we are proudly serving with our cleaning services.

     For several years we are helping many families with our cleaning services. As a mother of two kids I know exactly how hard is to keep a tidy house, taking care the kids, cooking and sometimes moms do not have time to do a deep house cleaning.   So, that’s why I am doing so well in this business and all my customers are so happy because we understand all the housecleaning needs.

    My team

    At this time we have available hours and flexible schedule. Usually I have one helper and in most days we are team of two, sometimes I have my sister and my husband giving me a hand to do deep cleaning service.

    Our Work

    As a team of 02 people, we are able to do all the cleaning service tasks* at same cleaning time.  Apartments and small houses cleaning are done in one hour and half and we stay longer as needs.  Price for small houses and apartments starts at $65.00 per weekly cleaning and goes up to $350.00 to do floor to ceiling deep cleaning.


    We carry the necessary insurances to cover any type of loss: if something is broken or damaged it will be replaced immediately. If you need to change your cleaning day or time due a Holiday Party or other Party, we will do our best to accommodate you.

    If you need something done that does not fall within the realm of housecleaning, we can help you with that too. We are all about servicing you and making your life easier, after all that is what we are here for.

    How to Contact us

    We can always be reached via E-mail or mobile at (508) 740-2169, so communication is never an issue.

    All calls and E-mails are returned within 24 hours.

    We are looking forward to work with you.

    Request a FREE in-home Consultation:

      Framingham, Natick Cleaning Services, Wellesley Cleaning Services, Sherborn Cleaning Services, Dover Cleaning Services, Wayland Cleaning Services, Weston Cleaning Services, Ashland Cleaning Services, Southborough Cleaning Services, Holliston Cleaning Services, Hopkinton Cleaning Services

      Tips for cleaning walls:

      For cleaning interior walls we would need Wall cleaner that you can make it at home by using:

      1/2 c. ammonia,wall cleaning

      1/4 c. white vinegar,

      1/4 c. baking soda to 1 gal. warm water

       For textured walls use nylon socks instead of sponge to avoid leaving material behind. You can tie a dust cloth over your mop or broom and work from the top down, to dust walls. If you have naughty kids, who have filled non-washable papers with pencil marks and drawings with other non-greasy spots, use an art-gum eraser t remove that. You can also remove remove greasy spots or crayon by applying a paste of cleaning fluid and fuller’s earth and cornstarch. Let the wall dry and brush off residue. Repeat the treatment until the spot is gone.

      For more information contact me by phone508-740-2169 or e-mail

      Ana cleaning call nowIf you need something done that does not fall within the realm of housecleaning, we can help you with that too. We are all about servicing you and making your life easier, after all that is what we are here for.

      How to Contact us

      We can always be reached via E-mail or Telephone, so communication is never an issue.

      All calls and E-mails are returned within 24 hours.

      We are looking forward to work with you.

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      Odors rise with the temperature. Odors intensify in the warm summer months, garbage or fragrant flowers blooming in a garden can be easy notice on warm days.

      A deep house cleaning can help to avoid the bad smell to stick to the walls, sofa and furniture.

      The combination of heat plus humidity allows bacteria to grow  and smells travel farther, said Victoria Henshaw, who researches urban smells throughout the world.

      “The air becomes a smelly soup that we all breathe in,” Henshaw said.

      It’s the worst heat wave of the summer season and people across the US are working hard to stay cool. NBC’s Melissa Mollet reports.

      Unfortunately, rotten aromas trump pleasant scents when it’s hot, allowing the odor of pollution to travel further and overpower fruity smells or freshly cut grass.

      Humid air traps smells and causes them to linger longer than they usually would, said Avert Gilbert, a smell psychologist. He said it’s not just an intensification of already-present odors like urine and garbage that makes summer’s stinkier.

      “Stores open up, restaurants open their doors,” he said, “There’s just more smells pouring into the streets than on a brisk fall day or a cold winter.”

      That means when the fish market owner dumps the ice into the drain, it’s going to fill the air more in the summer than on a cooler, fall day.

      Certain smells can fill a room, like cinnamon or popcorn.

      “If someone’s mulling wine in your kitchen, it will fill the whole house,” Gilbert said. “If you walk by a movie theater, the smell of popcorn surrounds you.”

      Henshaw takes people on smell walks all across the world, where she said people are more willing to smell things they would normally turn their noses up to.

      “With great gusto, people will go up and sniff the trash,” she said.

      Human’s sense of smell evolves over their lifetimes. In fact, as babies, humans gravitate toward the smell of feces because it is something they are familiar with, Henshaw said. It isn’t until babies get older that they realize it’s not a good smell, she said.

      Since smell is part of our olfactory senses, many people associate certain smells with people or areas. Henshaw said humans have the ability to remember a smell for more than 60 years.

      “Our mind just takes us back to that space and time,” she said. “That’s why smell has such an association with certain cities.”

      “It smells like a petting zoo carefully adorned with hot, wet garbage and the subtle hint of pee pee,” said New Yorker Stefania Orru of the city’s intense summer smells.

      The city’s smells aren’t going anywhere soon, so Henshaw said she recommends embracing the smells and getting used to them. That, or buying a scented handkerchief drenched with your favorite perfume.

      For several years we are helping many families with our cleaning services. As a mother of two kids I know exactly how hard is to keep a tidy house, taking care the kids, cooking and sometimes moms do not have time to do a deep house cleaning.   So, that’s why I am doing so well in this business and all my customers are so happy because we understand all the housecleaning needs.

      My team

      At this time we have available hours and flexible schedule. Usually I have one helper and in most days we are team of two, sometimes I have my sister and my husband giving me a hand to do deep cleaning service.

      Our Work

      As a team of 02 people, we are able to do all the cleaning service tasks* at same cleaning time.  Apartments and small houses cleaning are done in one hour and half and we stay longer as needs.  Price for small houses and apartments starts at $65.00 per weekly cleaning and goes up to $350.00 to do floor to ceiling deep cleaning.


      We carry the necessary insurances to cover any type of loss: if something is broken or damaged it will be replaced immediately. If you need to change your cleaning day or time due a Holiday Party or other Party, we will do our best to accommodate you.

      If you need something done that does not fall within the realm of housecleaning, we can help you with that too. We are all about servicing you and making your life easier, after all that is what we are here for.

      How to Contact us

      We can always be reached via E-mail or mobile at (508) 740-2169, so communication is never an issue.

      All calls and E-mails are returned within 24 hours.

      We are looking forward to work with you.

      Request a FREE in-home Consultation:

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      We love spring and its fresh and cozy weather. Chirping of birds on the morning, flowers and refreshing fragrance that fills our heart with peace and joy. But to really enjoy that feeling, we must to spend time on cleanliness and hygiene and make our house freshen up to get a head start on the seasons of spring and summer. I have selected these 10 easy to use springs cleaning tip to help you make your house keeping workload not felt at all.

      Are the walls dirty with dust or mildew?

      01- Tips for cleaning walls:

      For cleaning interior walls we would need Wall cleaner that you can make it at home, using 1/2 c. ammonia, 1/4 c. white vinegar, and 1/4 c. baking soda to 1 gal. warm water. For textured walls use nylon socks instead of sponge to avoid leaving material behind. You can tie a dust cloth over your mop or broom and work from the top down, to dust wallpaper. If you have naughty kids, who have filled non-washable papers with pencil marks and drawings with other non-greasy spots, use an art-gum eraser t remove that. You can also remove remove greasy spots or crayon by applying a paste of cleaning fluid and fuller’s earth and cornstarch. Let the wall dry and brush off residue. Repeat the treatment until the spot is gone.

      02- For exterior walls Use a water hose to spray the outside of your house. This will remove siding cobwebs and dirt.

      If you have textured siding, attach a car-washing brush to the hose to remove dirt.

      03- Tips to Clean Windows:

      You can make your own spray cleaner. Its easy. Fill a spray bottle with 3 tablespoons ammonia, 1 tablespoon vinegar & the remainder with water. After that Dust blinds by wrapping a cloth around a ruler. Spray cloth with a dusting spray and run the flat end across each blind. After that shine the windows using an old newspaper. To avoid streaks, clean windows on an average temperature, preferably on a cloudy day. Dry windows outside in one direction then inside in the other direction so that If you see a streak, you will know which side is the mistake. To clean window sills, pour diluted rubbing alcohol on a cloth and rub the entire surface. Then dust off the sill with a clean cloth.

      04- Tips to clean Bathroom:

      If the bathroom mirror is not clean, to remove the dull haze, rub alcohol on the surface. Rubbing alcohol can remove the dull haze from mirrors. Rubbing alcohols also removes spots from bathroom fixtures. But for having a sparkling Glass shower doors, clean it with white vinegar. If the shower is dirty then use a solution of 1/2 cup vinegar, 1 cup ammonia, and 1/4 cup baking soda added to one gallon of warm water to clean it.

      05- Water spots on metal frames are a great pain in the bathroom. To clean those use the Lemon furniture oil.

      Rusty tile marks can be removed with kerosene. Running the shower on hot for five minutes will steam the dirt loose. To clean Grout Wash with 2 tablespoons chlorine bleach in one quart of water. Dry thoroughly, and then apply Several coats of lemon oil. Let dry one hour between coats. Dull walls will shine when washed with vinegar and water and polished with a dry cloth. Lighter fluid will remove most stains from porcelain sinks and bathtubs.

      06- How to keep your kitchen clean:

      Remove stubborn water spots from a stainless sink with a cloth dampened with rubbing alcohol. These spots can be removed with vinegar. If the stainless steel is rusty then rub stainless steel sinks with lighter fluid. For a sparkling white porcelain sink, place paper towels across the bottom of your sink and saturate with house hold bleach. Let it rinse for 8 hour. Be careful and donot use bleach in colored sinks.

      To fight with refrigerator odor keep an open box of baking soda. It will absorb odors for a month or so. Can also use a few drops vanilla extract on a piece of cotton placed in the refrigerator. This will eliminate odors.

      Wipe refrigerator with vinegar to prevent mildew and Use your vacuum on the front of the coils and motor to remove dust and dirt from the refrigerator.

      07- Appliances Care:

      Yellowing of white appliances is a perennial problem. To stop that mix 1/2 cup bleach, 1/4 cup baking soda and 4 cups of warm water. Apply with a sponge & keep for 10 minutes. After that rinse & dry thoroughly. You can also use car wax to wax large appliances and make them shine. You can also use it to remove small scratches as well.

      08- Wood Floors:

      You can make your own floor cleaner. It is very easy to make. Make a solution of 1/2 cup of white vinegar in 1 gallon of warm water. Damp mop with a mop squeezed nearly dry. It is safer to mist the mop with the cleaner than to apply to floor. Do a section at a time and throw an old towel on the floor and scoot back and forth with foot to dry and prevent streaks. Standing liquid from mopping, spills, and pet accidents can damage floors.

      The greatest damage done to wood floors is from grit. Mats at doors are necessary to collect grit and it’s important to keep these clean. Frequent dust mopping in high traffic areas to collect grit is the best prevention. This should be done based on the amount of traffic, which may require dust mopping several times a day in an active household. The brush attachment of a vacuum can be used (no beater bars). Felt and furniture protectors should be installed on furniture. Never scoot furniture on wood. Put a piece of waxed paper under your dust mop. Dirt will stick to the mop and the wax will shine your floors.

      09- Removing Stains

      Stains are our greatest enemies and to fight them is even easier if you are prepared.

      Water Stains: Rub the spot with No. 2 steel wood and rewax. For more serious water stains, lightly sand with fine

      Sand paper, clean the spot with No. 1 or 00 steel wool and mineral spirits or floor cleaner then refinish and wax.

      Cigarette Burns: If not severe, the burn can be removed by rubbing with steel wool moistened with soap and


      Heel and Caster Marks: Rub vigorously with fine steel wool and floor cleaner. Wipe dry and polish.

      Ink Stains and Other Dark Spots: Use No. 2 steel wool and floor cleaner to clean the spot and surrounding area.

      Thoroughly wash the affected area. If the spot remains, sand with fine sandpaper, re-wax and polish. Stubborn

      stains may require that you replace the affected area.

      Chewing Gum and Wax Deposits: Ice until the deposit is brittle and crumbles off. Pour floor cleaner around the

      stain so the fluid soaks under and loosens it.

      Alcohol Spots: Rub the spot with liquid or paste wax

      10- Tips to keep Carpets Clean:

      To clean dry spots, loosen soil and vacuum away prior to moistening it. When taking out stains, always use a white cloth. If you have dropped Wax on carpet or upholstery and want to clean it then set a clean, absorbent cloth over the wax stain and hold a hot iron on it. Then remove the cloth. Coat mildly greasy stains with aerosol shaving cream, use a hair dryer to speed dry. Then vacuum. Sprinkle a greasy stain with baking soda, cornstarch or talcum powder. Leave on at least 8 hours, and then vacuum. The works done.

      Apply these simple and effective tips and have a happy spring!!

      If you need a little hand, call me at (508) 740-2169 or e-mail me at ahousecleaning@hotmail

      Please complete the survey to get a $50 OFF on your next cleaning project.

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      Ana Silva
      Ana’s Cleaning Services
      Phone: 508-740-2169

      Invite your guests, develope a menu, agonize over activities. Now the guests will arrive at your home ready to be entertained. Depite all other preparation, none is more important than assuring that your guests of a comfortable, clean, place to be entertained in, your home. Take the time to make your home ready for guests. These  ideas for pre-party cleaning to help you get more out of your event can help you a little.

      Here’s How:

      1.Evaluate what needs to be done.
      Writing down a quick list of rooms and places in your home that need attention will give you a plan. Don’t forget entry areas and coat closets.

      2.Start with the most important rooms.
      Sometimes it helps to begin cleaning from the entryway to your home, and work your way through the places your guests are most likely to go. Check out the intense cleaning guides for living areas, bathrooms, and bedrooms.

      3.Don’t forget the clutter.
      Clutter can give a spotless home a messy appearance. Give your guests room to move freely in your home. If you’re having trouble getting rid of items ask yourself these questions about clutter. Try to get yourself jump started by choosing a small junk drawer and trying the quick clutter clearing ideas. Don’t forget to use the 4 container clutter method to organize any job.

      4.Take shortcuts that work for you.
      If there won’t be any children at the party and your guests will only be in living areas, don’t worry about cleaning and detailing family bedrooms. If the party is informal, make your serving dishes informal too. Find ways to save time that fit with the party you’re trying to have.

      5.Prepare for minor cleaning emergencies during the party.
      Be aware that stains are probably the number one party cleanup culprit. Stock up on your favorite stain removal products. Double check the stain removal helplist. Most of all, don’t stress. These things happen and being prepared only shows more of your ability as host or hostess.

      6.Recruit help.
      Use your family or closest friends to help you prepare. Find tips on involving your family in cleaning and use them to mobilize your forces at home. Check out our ideas on making chores fun. For many people, professional cleaning help may be the better choice. If you intend to have help before or during the party, be sure to reserve your place as soon as you have the dates and times you’ll need them. Especially during any holiday season, help can be hard to find.

      7.Add your own finishing touches.
      Preparing your home for a party is more than just stripping it of its clutter and dirt. It also gives you a chance to add small touches that make your home comfortable and inviting. Try flower arrangements, photographs, candles, or incense. Try to stimulate the senses of your guests. Do a walk-through after you’ve cleaned and decluttered to see how your guests will experience the rooms in your home.

      8.Enjoy the party.
      Try not to stress over the little things that may seem to go wrong during the party. Just enjoy the fruits of your efforts.

      1.The more involved and complicated the party is, the more time you’ll have to prepare your home. Last minute informal gatherings do not require your home to be in perfect order. The 15 minute cleanups should be adequate to get your house in shape.
      What You Need:
      •Pen and paper
      •Various cleaning supplies
      •4 boxes to clear clutter
      •Finishing decorative touches
      •Stain treatment products

      Bathroom Cleaning Tips

      Windows and Mirrors

      In a 32 oz. spray bottle, add 1/3 cup white (clear) vinegar and 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol. If you absolutely must have another cleaner, add 1 tablespoon automatic dishwashing detergent.

      Tubs and Shower Stalls

      Alkaline deposits in the water cause those not so pretty spots on your glass doors and shower walls. Apply a car wax to the walls and doors, but not the floor or it gets real slick. Both fiberglass and glass are porous. The car wax seals those pores, which makes cleaning easier and keeps water spots away. Reapply twice yearly.

      Squeegee or wipe down your shower after each use to further prevent buildup. If you’re tired of fighting the soap scum buildup, switch to liquid soap, natural soap or Dove. It’s the talc in most bar soaps that causes the buildup. Changing soap can eliminate the buildup. You still need to clean the shower once a week, but the job is easier.

      Clean the showers once a week with an orange citrus based cleaner. Spray on and give it ten minutes to dissolve the dirt. Why do all that scrubbing when your product does it for you?

      OK, so the soap scum refuses to budge and friends are coming for a visit. Use your orange based cleaner concentrated. Pour plenty on an old dishrag and wipe on the walls and doors. Use can use boiling hot white vinegar (wear gloves) but you must keep applying it as the white vinegar dries. It takes time to dissolve that buildup.

      Patience now becomes a virtue. Wait and wait and wait some more. Go clean the rest of the house. If the cleaner starts dripping down the walls, wipe it back on. Check the walls with a fingernail. If the residue removes easily, round one is about over.

      Use a white bristle pad to scrub. They look like fibers and are glued to a sponge. Use the white ones only. The colored scrubbers are coarser and do scratch. Test a spot to make sure it won’t scratch the fiberglass. Dampen the pad, keeping it good and wet and gently scrub. This removes the soap buildup and most of the white mineral deposits on the glass doors. Nothing removes the etch marks themselves, but further damage is halted. Reapply the orange citrus cleaner if necessary.

      Plastic shower curtains can be machine washed. Remove, spray with your diluted orange based cleaner and wait about 10 minutes. Wash with your rags and they come out quite clean. Air dry. If the curtain is long enough, cut off the seam at the bottom to prevent mildew buildup down there.


      Ring around your toilet? Again, alkaline deposits cause those nasty rings. Depending on the hardness of your water, pour one or two cups of white vinegar into the toilet once a month to eliminate the problem.

      Toilet bowl rings – Here I take a deep breath and plead with you to follow these instructions. Repeat. Follow these instructions. Do not deviate or you will scratch the inside of your toilet bowl.

      Turn off the water flow to the toilet and flush to remove the water. Saturate a couple of heavy duty paper towels with white vinegar or the Orange Citrus Cleaner. Place around the edges making sure all areas are covered. Keep the towels damp for several hours, even overnight, until the water spots start dissolving. Then scrub with a stiff nylon brush.

      If the white vinegar does not dissolve the whole ring, go to a janitorial supply store or a hardware store and purchase a pumice stone and a stiff toothbrush. Dampen one end of the pumice stone and keep it wet.

      Gently, very gently, rub the pumice stone across the lines. When enough pumice builds on the sides, switch to a stiff bristle brush to continue working. Rub gently until the deposit disappears. Pumice will scratch the toilet. Use it only one time and cautiously.


      Once a month, pour one cup of baking soda, followed by one cup of white vinegar down the drain. Wait an hour and flush with warm water. The combination fizzles away most of the buildup. Works for shower, tub and kitchen sink drains as well.


      Water deposits build up around faucets and drain areas. Use a paper towel soaked in white vinegar and place around the faucet. Plug the drain and pour 1/2 cup white vinegar in the sink and wait. It takes time for the white vinegar to dissolve the alkaline deposits. Scrub using a stiff bristled nylon toothbrush.

      Do not use orange based or powdered cleansers on brass or gold plated faucets. These fixtures corrode and scratch quickly. Dry these faucets after each use to prevent water spot damage.


      Keep ahead of mildew so it doesn’t become a problem. Every six months spray your bathroom ceiling with a 50/50 solution of hydrogen peroxide and water. Peroxide is a safe bleach and won’t harm the environment or your lungs. Find larger quantities of peroxide at beauty or medical supply stores.


      Spray the mixture on and leave it. No need to rinse or scrub. If you currently have mildew, follow the above directions. Wait two hours and respray. Then wait 24 hours and spray a third time if necessary.

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      Ana’s Cleaning Services Frequent Question Asked & Policiesanimated_question_mark

      – The First Time…
      Upon inspection of your home, the Ana’s Cleaning Services manager will assign two costs: one for the first time Cleaning and one for the normal cleanings.
      First time cleanings usually take all day and their purpose is to bring your home “up to speed” so that the normal Cleanings go on smoothly from that point on.

      – Do you provide the Cleaning Products?
      The first time we do provide the products (unless the client prefers certain products) but after we are done we will leave a list of what products we will need for the next cleaning

      – What is your cleaning schedule changes policy?
      Weekly and Biweekly cleaning customers have to contact us no less then 48 prior to their next cleaning if the customers fail to do that they will have to pay for the cleaning.

      – Monthly Cleaning Customers
      Unlike Weekly & Biweekly customers, monthly customers will receive a phone call 1 day prior to their next scheduled cleaning. You can request any weekday before your next cleaning date, which would be 4 weeks (28 days) from your last cleaning.

      Monthly customers are not allowed to SKIP a cleaning due to the length of time between cleanings. If a Monthly customer needs to reschedule, the day must be rescheduled to the same week of scheduled service. If there is a deviation from this, we will charge $45/hr to return your home to our standard of clean, and we will do our best estimate how many hours it should take to return your home to that standard

      – What is your cleaning service schedule cancellation policy ?
      All Skips & Reschedules should be brought to the attention of our Manger within “48business hours” of your cleaning. For example, if you are calling to cancel a Monday cleaning, please call by Thursday morning.
      If 48 business hours is not provided to us, or we are unable to access your home at the time of cleaning, you will be required to pay the entire cost of the missed cleaning.

      – What if I can’t be at home to “greet” the teams every time I have service?
      There are two options available:
      1. You may leave the key(s) in a designated, pre-arranged location on your property. Please notify us upon doing so.
      2. We will be able to keep a copy of your building / apartment key on file at our Main Office.

      – What type payment methods are excepted?
      Cash checks or pay pal. if your check doesn’t have funds you will be charged a certain rate.

      – Do you have a referral program?
      We encourage word-of-mouth referrals and offer a $10 credit towards anyone’s account who refers someone that becomes one of our regular customers.
      * Please make sure that the person you are referring mentions your name at the time of Initial Estimate.

      – What do you mean by “Cleaning Crew” (aka: “The Girls”)?
      Typically, our residential cleaning crew consists of two women, each of which has been thoroughly trained to clean your home in the most productive & timely fashion.
      Office & commercial cleanings sometimes require more team members, however this varies from job to job.

      – Will I always have the same Cleaning Crew?
      We  understands how important it is to have someone knowledgeable frequent your home. For a majority of situations, provided you stay on the regular schedule, you will see the same faces week after week. Occasionally, however, schedule changes may require us to send a different team. It is advised that if you have any specific cleaning requests, they should be brought to the attention of our manager . This will insure that all of your specific needs are met, regardless of who services your home.

      – The girls did another great job! How can I tip them?
      You are more than welcome to provide a gratuity to the girls, however it is asked that this be left separately from your service payment and in cash, preferably in an envelope labeled: “For the Girls”. Any tips added onto the regular cost of cleaning will NOT be processed.

      Contact us:

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      Find Quality Cleaning Maids with The Ana’s Cleaning Services

      Our many years of providing consistent house cleaning, quality maid service to satisfied customers has showed that a team of two cleaning maids is the best team to ensure deep cleaning and quality service for you family and your home needs.

      We at Ana’s Cleaning Service Company are proud of our professional team. Our team members will thoroughly clean your home, while still providing you with the special personal touches you would expect from someone you know and trust.

      More about Us

      Our cleaning process is simple. As a owner operated we delegate share our team members has a special house cleaning job, or function, to perform each time he or she visits your home: bathroom cleaning, kitchen cleaning, dusting or vacuuming.

      This is why 99% of our clients would recommend Ana’s Cleaning Services to their family and friends.

      Contact us for more information about hiring one of our teams of Ana’s Cleaning Services.

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      Ana's Cleaning Services on twitter cleaning

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      Your family may not be the only ones enjoying the sofa. The soft, comfortable places where families relax and play at home can harbor millions of bacteria. For example, Staphylococcus bacteria can live on soft surfaces for 24 hours.

      Bacteria living within a biofilm need to excrete the sticky goo that holds the biofilm together, which is problematic because synthesising and secreting goo takes up a lot of energy. So within this colony, there will be 'cheaters' - those bacteria that live in the surrounding goo produced by others, while making none themselves.Bacteria living within a biofilm need to excrete the sticky goo that holds the biofilm together, which is problematic because synthesising and secreting goo takes up a lot of energy. So within this colony, there will be ‘cheaters’ – those bacteria that live in the surrounding goo produced by others, while making none themselves.

      “Bacteria can be found just about everywhere around the home – on both hard and soft surfaces alike,” says pediatrician Dr. Laura Jana. “While many families take aim at bacteria on hard surfaces such as kitchen and bathroom countertops, soft surfaces tend to fly under the radar during cleaning routines.”

      Some commonly overlooked household soft surfaces include:

      •Sofas – Since kids spend a significant amount of time playing, sleeping and eating on the sofa, bacteria tends to accumulate on this piece of furniture. However, a recent survey from the Hygiene Council found that the majority (61 percent) of Americans sanitized their sofa only a few times, if at all, since it was purchased. •Mattresses – Families commonly think that washing their sheets is enough to keep their beds clean. However, people shed bacteria-harboring skin cells onto their mattress each night when they sleep, which becomes especially problematic when someone is sick. This provides food for microbes and dust mites. •Pillows – Any surface where people rest their heads is bound to be filled with bacteria, especially surfaces that are consistently used, such as pillows. The mouth, nose and ears are vulnerable orifices that rub against pillows and pick up bacteria left behind by previous users. •Fabric Shoes – Shoes are in constant contact with the ground, which is known to be one of the dirtiest surfaces, but it’s not just the sole of the shoe that collects grime. The fabric surface on shoes also harbors bacteria that is easily transferred when tying your laces or slipping on your heel. •Car Seats – While their purpose is to offer protection on the road, bacteria lurk in the fabric covering of car seats. They often catch crumbs and absorb spills that can accumulate over time.

      What You Can Do •Clean your soft furnishings and surfaces regularly to remove germs and microbial food sources. •Consider a steam vapor sanitation device to kill germs without the use of harmful chemicals. Some units have been shown to be very effective at killing pathogens as well as dust mites in fabrics. •UV-C or ultraviolet light has demonstrated effectiveness against microbes on carpets and hard surfaces alike. Some vacuum cleaners offer a UV-C light mounted on the bottom of the vacuum to help control bacterial growth.

      •Sanitizing sprays can be very effective at killing bacteria and viruses on soft surfaces.

      For more information on proper disinfection and sanitizing routines, families can visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at

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      Here is a quick list where we are proudly serving with our cleaning services.

      We have listed our website in several places for your convenience.

      Find us on :


      Here is our Ana’s Cleaning Service Weekly Cleaning Checklist.

      After the initial service done, we will routinely complete the  following cleaning checklist week after week.  Our Weekly & Every Other Week schedule clients enjoy fixed rates that reflect that they are living in a well organized home.

      Here is the our Weekly Cleaning Checklist for the KITCHEN:

      • Remove Cobwebs
      • Spot cleaning on cabinets and drawers faces
      • Clean Appliances (toaster, coffee maker, microwaves, fridge door)
      • Clean & disinfect countertops
      • Clean stove top 
      • Clean oven
      • Wipe dishwasher door
      • Empty, clean & sanitize trash can
      • Clean Kitchen table
      • Dust baseboards
      • Vacuum and Mop all floors

      Bathroom Weekly Cleaning Check list for  BATHROOMS:

      • Dust Light Fixtures
      • Remove Cobwebs
      • Spot wash cabinets doors and drawer daces
      • Desinfect Shower,  bath-tub and tiles
      • Scrubb vanity sinks and all countertops
      • Dust all bathroom fixtures
      • Clean Mirrors
      • Shower Glass Cleaned (becarefully we will leave it close)
      • Toilet Scrubbed
      • Remove trash lines, Clean trash Can
      • Baseboards and floor tiles hand washed
      • Hand washing floor behind

      Here is our Weekly Cleaning Checklist for your BEDROOMS:

      • Dusting fan blades
      • Remove cobwebs
      • Dust window sills
      • Dust wall frames
      • Clean and dust mirrors
      • Furniture dusting
      • Bed linens changing
      • Remove Trash Reline Trash Can
      • Dust exposed baseboards
      • Vacuum all floors

      Here is our Weekly Cleaning Checklist for your Common Living Areas:

      • Dust any fan blades
      • Remove Cobwebs
      • Dust Window Sills
      • Dust wall frames
      • Dust all Furnitures
      • Vacuum upholstered chair, sofas and couch
      • Dust baseboards
      • Dust banisters and chair rails
      • Vacuum Steps
      • Vacuum and Mopping all floors

      Our Work

      As a team of 02 people, we are able to do all the cleaning service tasks* at same cleaning time.  Apartments and small houses cleaning are done in one hour and half and we stay longer as needs.  Price for small houses and apartments starts at $65.00 per weekly cleaning  and goes up to $350.00 to do floor to ceiling deep cleaning .


      We carry the necessary insurances to cover any type of loss: if something is broken or damaged it will be replaced immediately. If you need to change your cleaning day or time due a Holiday Party or other Party, we will do our best to accommodate you.

      If you need something done that does not fall within the realm of housecleaning, we can help you with that too. We are all about servicing you and making your life easier, after all that is what we are here for.

      How to Contact us

      We can always be reached via E-mail or Telephone, so communication is never an issue.

      All calls and E-mails are returned within 24 hours.

      We are looking forward to work with you.

      Ana Silva.

      We know that you want gift to help the recipient check house cleaning from her tasks list. We take into account many factors to pricing a home cleaning, including thenumber of the people who live there, where the person lives and the size of the house, it’s very hard to tell you exactly how much to spend on a gift for house cleaning.

      After buy a house cleaning gift card, the recipient contacts us to schedule and figure out the full price.

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      Ana Cleaning Service makes easy to find a right gift. With a Ana’s Cleaning Service gift card, you can give a family member or friend  the ability to take a break from house cleaning and enjoy some free time.
      Buy a Ana’s Cleaning Service gift card for anyone celebrating a new home or job change.

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      Visit Containers to Clinics (C2C)

      The Containers to Clinics (C2C) project is a non-profit, charitable initiative that seeks to improve maternal, child and community healthcare services to underserved rural and peri-urban communities in Central America by providing access to basic services through a clinic model. C2C is committed to building integrated, sustainable rural health systems through the use of recycled, retrofitted shipping containers which employ appropriate technologies and local staffing. C2C’s intervention is designed to identify and grow local capacity by integratng microfinance and social franchising principles into service delivery. The model seeks to establish and replicate best practice through standardized design and operation protocols.

      • Establishing clinics through community-led, participatory processes which respond to community needs and which leverage existing local-level resources and assets;

      • Empowering rural and peri-urban communities through the use of innovative financing models, appropriate technologies, local training, and mentoring;

      • Contributing to the field of international rural health solutions by integrating data-collection and epidemiology research into the C2C model;

      • Integrating prevention programming into all aspects of clinic operations

      C2C's architecture team: Michael Stack, Mali Ouzts and Ryan Campbell

      Michael Stack, Mali Ouzts and Ryan Campbell

      New! C2C at PUMA City

      On May 4th, 2009, C2C Executive Director, Elizabeth Sheehan, participated in a panel on container architecture at an event sponsored by the Boston Society of Architects and in association with the PUMA store exhibition at Fan Pier, Boston.

      Anshen + Allen Architects to Design C2C Pilot Clinic

      On April 23rd, 2009, C2C began working with the global healthcare design team at Anshen + Allen’s Boston office, to design the first C2C pilot clinic. Anshen + Allen will work on a pro bono basis on C2C’s prototype container design. Anshen + Allen brings award-winning international experience in healthcare design to the C2C pilot.

      C2C’s Elizabeth Sheehan Interviewed on
      On March 16th, 2009, an interview with C2C Executive Director was featured on, an online lifestyle magazine.

      C2C Design Forum at the MIT Museum
      On February 20th, 2009, C2C convened a design forum at the MIT Museum. The objective of the forum was to bring together architects, public health professionals, and social innovators to explore design and layout options for the C2C pilot clinic.


      How to clean Ceramic tile floors
      We sweep and mop on a regular basis and they stay clean and shiny. Mop floors with clear water or just a dash of liquid dish soap.  We change the water when it gets cloudy. Too much soap or dirty water will make floors dull or sticky. We don’t use scrub pads on ceramic tile floors or you might scratch them.  Our professional cleaners wash most floors by hand, cleaning and drying a small area at a time.
      How to clean Grout
      Grout cleaning is a special order an we must come back another day to provide this special request. Old grout may need cleaning with a wax stripper or heavy-duty cleaner plus a grout brush. Sometimes we use a bleaching cleanser on tough spots.  Once the grout is as clean as you can get it, rinse it well.  When it’s thoroughly dry, apply a coat of masonry sealer so that it doesn’t absorb dirt in the future.

      Mildewed grout in tubs or showers, we may use a grout brush with a 1 / 5 solution of chlorine bleach and water. We never use bleach in combination with any ammonia-based product and be sure the area is well-ventilated. When we’ve finished cleaning, rinse the area well to remove all traces of bleach.

      We cleaning colored grout with a heavy-duty cleaner and a grout brush, but don’t use bleach because this may remove the color from the grout. Be sure never to use a bleaching solution on colored grout. A masonry sealer can be applied to clean, colored grout to ward off future stains.

      The aditional charge for this special cleaning task may go from $100.00 up to $600.00 on large room. The price vary how big is the room.

      Visit us at for more details.

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      Daily Cleaning Schedule

      Daily cleaning chores are the absolute minimum that must be done on a daily basis to keep a home clean.

      Depending on the type of household you live in, some of these chores may even need to be done more than once during a day.

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      Daily Cleaning Schedule

      Daily cleaning chores are the absolute minimum that must be done on a daily basis to keep a home clean. Depending on the type of household you live in, some of these chores may even need to be done more than once during a day.

      Weekly Cleaning Schedule

      Although most of these chores don’t require daily work, they are still some of the most important tasks that need to be done in our homes. Some items may need to be completed more often. Scheduling these chores in addition to your daily chores will help you maintain order and cleanliness in your home.

      Monthly Cleaning  Schedule

      Monthly cleaning chores are my favorite weekend chores. These are areas of your home that can afford to be neglected during your daily and weekly cleaning sessions, but ultimately a good thorough monthly cleaning is needed.

      Seasonal Cleaning Schedule

      Although seasonal cleaning chores are important, they are usually the most forgotten parts of home maintenance. Our attention is only needed in these areas two to three times a year, but it is vital to maintaining and cleaning our homes.

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      The biweekly cleaning’s  schedule tasks are:

      – Dusting all the furnitures;

      – Vacuuming under furniture;

      – Mopping all hard floors;

      – Desinfecting and washing the toilets;

      – Changing bed’s sheets;

      – Cleaning blinds;

      – Empty garbages,

      – Take out cob web,

      – Wash baseboards.

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      We welcome your feedback and comments about our hard work. Please share here your comments.

      As a mother of two kids I know exactly how hard is to keep a tidy house*, taking care the kids, cooking and some times moms do not have time for a deep house cleaning.

      So, that’s why I am doing so well in this business and all my customers are so happy because we understand all the housecleaning needs. Please share here your comments.

      For others inquire please contact us by e-mail or phone.

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      Always working with punctuality, sincerity and responsibility we at Ana’s Cleaning Service are taking care families with our outstanding cleaning service and we learned that every home is unique as the people who live there.

      At this time we have flexible schedule to meet your satisfation and needs.

      We are proudly servicing Framingham, Natick, Ashland, Holliston, Sherborn, Dover, Wellesley and all other neigbors towns.

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      Privacy statement

      Ana’s  Cleaning Service  is committed to protecting your privacy and developing technology that gives you the most powerful and safe online experience. This Statement of  Privacy applies to the Ana’s Cleaning Service. Web site and governs data collection and usage. By using the Ana’s Cleaning Service website, you consent to the data practices described in this statement.

      Collection of your Personal Information

      Ana’s Cleaning Service may need to collects personally identifiable information, such as your e-mail address, name, home or work address or telephone number to provide estimates, work and collect payments.  

      There is also information about your computer hardware and software that is automatically collected by Ana’s Cleaning Service website.  This information can include: your IP address, browser type, domain names, access times and referring Web site addresses. This information is used by Ana’s Cleaning Service website for the operation of the service, to maintain quality of the service, and to provide general statistics regarding use of the Ana’s Cleaning Service  Web site.

      Please keep in mind that if you directly disclose personally identifiable information or personally sensitive data through Ana’s Cleaning Service public message boards, this information may be collected and used by others.

      Note:  Ana’s Cleaning Service website  does not read any of your private online communications.

      Ana’s Cleaning Service is not responsible for the privacy statements or other content on Web sites outside of the Ana’s Cleaning Service.

      Use of your Personal Information

      Ana’s Cleaning Service collects and uses your personal information to operate and deliver the services you have requested. Ana’s Cleaning Service  also uses your personally identifiable information to inform you of other products or services available.  Ana’s Cleaning Service  may also contact you via surveys to conduct research about your opinion of current services or of potential new services that may be offered.

      Ana’s Cleaning Service does not sell, rent or lease its customer lists to third parties. Ana’s Cleaning Service may, from time to time, contact you on behalf of external business partners about a particular offering that may be of interest to you. In those cases, your unique personally identifiable information (e-mail, name, address, telephone number) is not transferred to the third party. In addition, Ana’s Cleaning Service  may share data with trusted partners to help us perform statistical analysis, send you email or postal mail, provide customer support, or arrange for deliveries.  All such third parties are prohibited from using your personal information except to provide these services to Ana’s Cleaning Service , and they are required to maintain the confidentiality of your information.

      Ana’s Cleaning Service does not use or disclose sensitive personal information, such as race, religion, or political affiliations, without your explicit consent.

      Ana’s Cleaning Service  keeps track in the Ana’s Cleaning Service Web sites and pages that our customers visit within Ana’s Cleaning Services Co. , in order to determine what Ana’s Cleaning Service services are the most popular. This data is used to deliver customized content and advertising within Ana’s Cleaning Service  to customers whose behavior indicates that they are interested in a particular subject area.

      Ana’s Cleaning Service Web site will disclose your personal information, without notice, only if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to: (a) conform to the edicts of the law or comply with legal process served on Ana’s Cleaning Service  or the site; (b) protect and defend the rights or property of Ana’s Cleaning Service ; and, (c) act under exigent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of  Ana’s Cleaning Service, or the public.

      Use of Cookies

      The Ana’s Cleaning Service Web site use “cookies” to help you personalize your online experience. A cookie is a text file that is placed on your hard disk by a Web page server. Cookies cannot be used to run programs or deliver viruses to your computer. Cookies are uniquely assigned to you, and can only be read by a web server in the domain that issued the cookie to you.

      One of the primary purposes of cookies is to provide a convenience feature to save you time. The purpose of a cookie is to tell the Web server that you have returned to a specific page. For example, if you personalize Ana’s Cleaning Service pages, or register with Ana’s Cleaning Service site or services, a cookie helps Ana’s Cleaning Service to recall your specific information on subsequent visits. This simplifies the process of recording your personal information, such as billing addresses, shipping addresses, and so on. When you return to the same Ana’s Cleaning Service Web site, the information you previously provided can be retrieved, so you can easily use the Ana’s Cleaning Service features that you customized.

      You have the ability to accept or decline cookies. Most Web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. If you choose to decline cookies, you may not be able to fully experience the interactive features of the Ana’s Cleaning Services  or Web sites you visit.

      Security of your Personal Information

      Ana’s Cleaning Service secures your personal information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure.  Ana’s Cleaning Service secures the personally identifiable information you provide on computer servers in a controlled, secure environment, protected from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. When personal information (such as a credit card number) is transmitted to other Web sites, it is protected through the use of encryption, such as the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol.

      Changes to this Statement

      Ana’s Cleaning Service will occasionally update this Statement of Privacy to reflect company and customer feedback.  Ana’s Cleaning Service  encourages you to periodically review this Statement to be informed of how Ana’s Cleaning Service  is protecting your information.

      Contact Information

      Ana’s Cleaning Service welcomes your comments regarding this Statement of Privacy.

      Customer satisfaction is our top priority, and we strive to make our clients happy with every aspect of our home  cleaning services at Ana’s Cleaning Services.

      Take a look below to see what our clients have to say about their experiences with Ana’s Cleaning Services.

      We look forward to hearing from you!


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      Ana cleaning call now
      Customer's Comments:
      "You are wonderful, we like you a lot and want to work with you two days per week."
      Steve Hauck, Dover, MA.

      Everything looked wonderful, always!
      Thank you all so much — you’re a godsend.

      Maggie, Holliston, MA.

      The cleaners who came last week were wonderful. They were extremely professional cleaners and did a great job. Things were crazy here since we had just returned from the hospital after my husband injured himself. They were very patient with our crazy situation. It has been a complicated couple of weeks.

      Muldoon, Natick, MA

      I wanted to write again, this time to say THANKS! The house was cleaned yesterday and it looks fantastic!

      Jackman, Norton MA.

      Ana have been working for me several years. I have had people clean my home for over 30 years and they are the best.
      Susan Setta, Natick, MA

      She and her assistant did a very thorough job on my mother-in-law’s home (which had not had a deep cleaning in probably years). They were very friendly and professional. They moved everything to clean and then put everything back.
      Wonderful – highly recommend.

      Sharon K. Shewsbury, MA.

      Anna and her helper are both very pleasant and thorough. Anna understood exactly what I wanted done and urged me to check everything out when she was done. She speaks English and brings all her own materials.

      Elaine, Belmont, MA.

      "If you need something done that does not fall within the realm of housecleaning, we can help you with that too. We are all about servicing you and making your life easier, after all that is what we are here for."

      Ana Silva.
      (508) 740-2169
      Ana's Cleaning Services, Framingham MA

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